2 min read
Adopting and embracing CBA’s Principles for Regenerative Landscapes
A few years ago, coffee and chocolate were just products. But at Slow, we’re changing the story. We’re not just selling beans and cocoa, we’re...
2 min read
A few years ago, coffee and chocolate were just products. But at Slow, we’re changing the story. We’re not just selling beans and cocoa, we’re...
1 min read
Slow is proud to announce our inclusion in the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (CBA) as an affiliate member, marking a significant milestone in our...
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Tiger attacks near Slow’s cacao source in Indonesia’s Sumatra leave two dead and one injured, raising concerns for local farmers.
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Business elites gathered last week for the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, and one of the themes they explored was how...
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In a strategic move that prioritizes environmental responsibility and shared values, Slow Forest Coffee (Denmark) and Krakakoa (Indonesia) have...
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Slow Forest led the way at the 2023 SDG Tech Awards Denmark, winning both the Best Company Solutions and the Food and Agrotech category.
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One of the main goals of Slow is to support farmers and improve their livelihoods. This is done by providing farmers with advanced payment, bank...
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Slow is committed to maintaining, regenerating, and protecting forests.
1 min read
As a result of hard work and a long process, Slow Coffee has received the European Union organic certification for the original 37 farming families.
3 min read
A new collaboration between the coffee company Slow and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) will support sustainable coffee production by focusing...